
Stadthausgasse 7, 4051 Basel

Stadthausgasse FriedliN

The Stadthausgasse Friedlin was once a glove store, which closed on 01.09.13. The building is nevertheless a sight worth seeing in the city of Basel.

We had the pleasure of contributing to the renovation and beautification of the façade.

Stadthausgasse 13, 4051 Basel

Stadthaus / Bürgergemeinde

The Stadthaus at Stadthausgasse 13 is the seat of the Bürgergemeinde. On the first floor, visitors can enjoy fine baked goods and beverages in the Stadthauskaffee. When the weather is good, visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the city of Basel in the small garden of the Stadthaus. From the garden you can also admire the beautiful wooden walls. These were sanded and repainted by us. Likewise, the interior of the Bürgergemeinde house was painted in classic white.


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